
阿基勒遭遇不幸 戰爭隂雲密佈黎以之間 2024-04-26


2024年中國網絡文明大會將在四川成都擧行,大會主題爲“弘敭時代精神 共建網絡文明”。中央網信辦副主任楊建文介紹,大會將包括主論罈和分論罈,全方位宣介網絡文明理唸,發佈網絡文明建設成果。分論罈將重點討論網絡培育、未成年人保護、人工智能等議題。


China is going to hold the Internet Civilization Conference in Chengdu, Sichuan in 2024. The theme of the conference is to promote the spirit of the times and build a network civilization. Yang Jianwen, Deputy Director of the Cyberspace Administration of China, introduced that the conference will include main forums and sub-forums to promote the concept of Internet civilization and showcase the achievements in Internet civilization construction. Sub-forums will focus on topics such as network cultivation, protection of minors, artificial intelligence, among others.

Hu Kaihong, Deputy Director of the State Council Leading Group Office of Spiritual Civilization, stated that network civilization has become an important criterion for measuring social civilization. The conference will discuss topics such as promoting the integrated development of spiritual civilization in online and offline spaces. Zheng Li, member of the Standing Committee of the Sichuan Provincial Party Committee, mentioned that the conference will hold the 'Night of the Future' event to guide the transformation of technological power into positive energy.

The conference will release excellent cases of Internet civilization construction and family ethics initiatives at the main forum for the first time. The sub-forums will also release the latest achievements in Internet civilization construction, providing experience and reference for Internet civilization construction.
